God desires our wholeness. We come to God, through prayer, to be restore in mind, body and spirit. The Healing Ministry, comprising lay and ordained leaders, promotes holistic healing (physical, emotional, spiritual) at an individual and community level.
Every Sunday at our services, a minister of healing is available in the Chapel or at the baptistry or both for laying on of hands and anointment. On the second Sunday of the month members of the congregation are invited to come forward for special healing prayers. At least one Sunday a month a healing prayer station is available after the 8 a.m. service.
Congregants are encouraged to place names on the Prayer Wheel on the bulletin board outside the vestment room.
The Healing Ministry and Christian Formation Teams partner to provide educational opportunities on matters of healing.
If you would like to include your loved ones in our weekly prayers, please send a note with their name to [email protected].