March 26 - March 29, 2025
TPI WPC25 from March 26th - 29th in Hartford. Christ Church Cathedral will be hosting their keynote speakers for the conference. Check out their website for information about the conference, including times of speakers and other events offered. Click here...
9:00 am
- 9:45 am
Join Adult Christian Formation, for 45 minutes between the 8 and 10 services on Sundays in Lent. A theme and speakers will be announced soon.
11:00 am
- 12:00 pm
Sundays following the 10am service during Lent in our Childcare Room Let us explore the beauty and capacity of our souls through a modern update of Teresa of Avila's spiritual guide by M. B. Anderson (The Interior Castle, Root Classics...
March 31 - April 3, 2025
Each year, the Episcopal Church in CT invites parishioners, vestry members, parish staff, and clergy to gather for training, celebration, worship, and conversation. For more information and to register please go to Spring Training | Episcopal Church in Connecticut.
12:30 pm
- 1:30 pm
This series is presented by Capital Community College and Christ Church Cathedral. The talks will be held at Christ Church Cathedral, located at 955 Main Street in Hartford.
12:30 pm
- 1:30 pm
This series is presented by Capital Community College and Christ Church Cathedral. The talks will be held at Christ Church Cathedral, located at 955 Main Street in Hartford.
12:30 pm
- 1:30 pm
This series is presented by Capital Community College and Christ Church Cathedral. The talks will be held at Christ Church Cathedral, located at 955 Main Street in Hartford.
12:30 pm
- 1:30 pm
This series is presented by Capital Community College and Christ Church Cathedral. The talks will be held at Christ Church Cathedral, located at 955 Main Street in Hartford.
6:00 pm
- 7:00 pm
Join us for hearty soup, bread, fellowship, and study on in the Church Street Eats dining room in the Cathedral House. Our study series will focus on the Temptations of Jesus, with sessions presented by: Dean Howell Louis Ruddock...
(All Day)
Spring Training & Gathering brings together leaders from around ECCT to explore new ideas, share resources, and deepen fellowship. Courses are taught by lay and ordained leaders from around the diocese. On location at Berlin High School, April 5Registration opens...
9:00 am
- 9:45 am
Join Adult Christian Formation, for 45 minutes between the 8 and 10 services on Sundays in Lent. A theme and speakers will be announced soon.
11:00 am
- 12:00 pm
Sundays following the 10am service during Lent in our Childcare Room Let us explore the beauty and capacity of our souls through a modern update of Teresa of Avila's spiritual guide by M. B. Anderson (The Interior Castle, Root Classics...
12:30 pm
- 1:30 pm
This series is presented by Capital Community College and Christ Church Cathedral. The talks will be held at Christ Church Cathedral, located at 955 Main Street in Hartford.
12:30 pm
- 1:30 pm
This series is presented by Capital Community College and Christ Church Cathedral. The talks will be held at Christ Church Cathedral, located at 955 Main Street in Hartford.
12:30 pm
- 1:30 pm
This series is presented by Capital Community College and Christ Church Cathedral. The talks will be held at Christ Church Cathedral, located at 955 Main Street in Hartford.
12:30 pm
- 1:30 pm
This series is presented by Capital Community College and Christ Church Cathedral. The talks will be held at Christ Church Cathedral, located at 955 Main Street in Hartford.
6:00 pm
- 7:00 pm
Join us for hearty soup, bread, fellowship, and study on in the Church Street Eats dining room in the Cathedral House. Our study series will focus on the Temptations of Jesus, with sessions presented by: Dean Howell Louis Ruddock...
10:00 am
- 12:00 pm
Join us for our bilingual Palm Sunday Eucharist as we start the beginning of Holy Week.
10:00 am
- 1:00 pm
As is our custom on Tuesday of Holy Week, please join your Bishops and other colleagues to be refreshed and renew your ordination vows. Bishop Mello will be the celebrant and Bishop Ahrens will be preaching. The Service for the...
6:00 pm
- 8:00 pm
Our Congregation Committee meets once a month to discuss Cathedral business and events. Committee meetings are not held on the months when Chapter meetings are held.
12:30 pm
- 1:30 pm
This series is presented by Capital Community College and Christ Church Cathedral. The talks will be held at Christ Church Cathedral, located at 955 Main Street in Hartford.
12:30 pm
- 1:30 pm
This series is presented by Capital Community College and Christ Church Cathedral. The talks will be held at Christ Church Cathedral, located at 955 Main Street in Hartford.
12:30 pm
- 1:30 pm
This series is presented by Capital Community College and Christ Church Cathedral. The talks will be held at Christ Church Cathedral, located at 955 Main Street in Hartford.
12:30 pm
- 1:30 pm
This series is presented by Capital Community College and Christ Church Cathedral. The talks will be held at Christ Church Cathedral, located at 955 Main Street in Hartford.
6:00 pm
- 7:30 pm
Join us on our Maundy Thursday service for the washing of feet. Maundy Thursday is the Thursday before Easter, believed to be the day when Jesus celebrated his final Passover with His disciples. Most notably, that Passover meal was when...
7:00 pm
- 9:00 pm
Join us at our Cathedral for our Easter Vigil Eucharist. Celebrant and Preacher to be announced.