Dear Cathedral Congregations,
We are very thankful for your dedication and participation in all Cathedral Centennial mission activities thus far. This Sunday we start our four-week liturgical journey. On each of the next four Sundays we will be celebrating together in the style of one of our four Cathedral congregations. These joint services are scheduled to begin at 9:30 a.m.
July 28 - In the style of the 8 am service (Contemplative - no music)
August 4- In the style of the 10 am service (Anglican Choral Eucharist -
featuring our Cathedral Choir)
August 11- In the style of our 12:30 pm service (Spanish Eucharist - featuring
our Cathedral Spanish Language Band)
August 18- At Bushnell Park in the style of our Church by the Pond Saturday
services (Bagged lunch will be provided as we seek to have a comprehensive
and meaningful CBTP experience)
Additionally, please mark your calendars for our Centennial Evensong Celebration on October 26th at 6:00 p.m. All those attending the ECCT Convention are invited to attend. The Rt. Rev. Anne Dyer, Bishop of the Diocese of Aberdeen and Orkney, will be the preacher. There will be a reception following the service. The Centennial Committee and our Cathedral lay leaders are working hard to make this a remarkable celebration. Volunteers are needed. More information will be provided at a later date.
On Sunday, October 27, Episcopalians from across the state of Connecticut will gather for corporate worship at the Connecticut Convention Center. There is limited space and you are required to register. The registration link is listed below. You can also register by contacting the Assistant to the Dean, Kathy Frisoli, at [email protected] or calling her at 860-527-7231. A sign-up sheet will be located in the Narthex as well.
Thanks be to God for all of these wonderful opportunities to gather in worship as God’s blessed family.
In God’s service,
The Very Rev. Miguelina Howell The Rev. Canon Jorge Pallares
Cathedral Dean Canon for Congregational Life