Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

I write to inform you that on Palm Sunday, April 5, 2020, Nehemiah Augustus Brown, 95, the beloved husband of Sylvia Brown passed into God's eternal Kingdom.

There will be a private service at our Cathedral on Tuesday, April 14 at 10:00 a.m. In keeping with the restriction of not more than ten people at a gathering, Carmon Funeral Homes will live stream the service on their website.

Please keep Sylvia and her son, Everton McCalla in your prayers.



The Very Reverend Miguelina Howell

Cathedral Dean

O God, whose mercies cannot be numbered: Accept our prayers on behalf of your servant, Nehemiah, and grant him an entrance into the land of light and joy, into the fellowship of your saints; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.