Dear Cathedral family,

Peace to you in the name of our Lord and Savior!

I write to share with you an update regarding our Cathedral renovations project.   Bishop Douglas continues to work, diligently and successfully, in securing funds to support this initiative.

Architect Duo Dickinson has updated the model and drawings. The envisioned new space will enable us to live fully into our potential as a Cathedral for all while providing an inspiring and more adequate space for our regular worship experiences.  

Our renovations project will start in early October. To this end, I invite you to save the date for an in-person gathering to pray together, appreciate the space as we know it and present to our God the offering of a new phase and our hopes for the future as we launch this project. 

On Saturday, October 3rd, starting at 10 am., Bishop Douglas and I, along with our Canon for Congregational Life and Deacon, will host 5 sessions of 15 minutes each to assure social distancing and safety protocols. Please sign up for one of the sessions by contacting Kathy Frisoli at [email protected]

Schedule for services

10-10:15 am


10:50- 11:05 a.m.

11:15- 11:30 a.m.

11:45 - 12:00 pm (Service in Spanish)

We will appreciate your cooperation in singing up, being on time and wearing as mask or face covering.  Please follow all signs for social distancing.

You are welcome to take pictures of the pews and the space.

I am mindful that many will not feel safe to return to the space at that time. One of the sessions will be recorded and shared in our website for all to view.

